Attention Small Business Owners, Service Professionals, Practitioners and Entrepreneurs:

Are You Tired of Losing Opportunities to Serve Your Clients and Make More Money in Your Business Because You’re Scattered, Frustrated, Overwhelmed and Disorganized?

I’ll Show You Simple, Proven Strategies to Cut Clutter, Reduce Stress, and Boost Your Productivity – and Your Profits – Easily!


From the desk of Joshua Zerkel, CPO®

Dear Fellow Business Professional,

Scattered. Frustrated. Powerless. Chaotic. Buried. Overwhelmed.

Joshua Zerkel, CPOSound familiar? Is being disorganized affecting your bottom line? Are you adrift on a sea of clutter on your desk, in your files and with your schedule?

You’re not alone. In a recent survey by the National Association of Professional Organizers, 91 percent of the respondents said they would be more effective and efficient if their workspace was better organized. 28 percent said they would save over an hour per day and 27 percent said they would save 31 to 60 minutes each day.

I know how hard it can be to try and run a business when you’re feeling buried under clutter, especially when you – and your business – are suffering because of it. You’re not alone – I’ve seen it time and again in my work with clients – disorganization can be tough to overcome on your own.

That’s why I created the Profitable Productivity System! This program is designed to teach service professionals and entrepreneurs like you easy, proven strategies to put you back in command of your office – finally!

But before I share with you the details of the Profitable Productivity System, I’d like to share my story with you. When I started my company, Custom Living Solutions, in 2003, things seemed so simple. I had a client here, another there, and things were easy to manage – there just wasn’t that much to do! But as time went on and I became increasingly busy, the tasks seemed to start coming at me in a never-ending stream – and I had to manage them all on my own. Everything from dealing with my paperwork, to organizing my space, managing my schedule, tasks and everything in between now fell on my shoulders. In my work with clients, I saw how dire situations can get if you don’t figure out how to manage these elements in your business – whether it’s just flat-out stress, overwhelm, or lost revenue, it all counts. Just like my clients, I needed to learn how to deal with all the pieces in my business – but how?

Even though I’m a Certified Professional Organizer, that doesn’t mean I can wave the magic organizing wand and make everything I need to do just disappear! I had to come up with strategies for getting a handle on all the things on my plate. Through years of exploring, adapting, creating and implementing different organizing and productivity systems, strategies and tools, I’ve learned one essential fact: you need to have a systematic approach if you hope to not only get, but stay organized and productive in your business. Over time, I developed a system that I’ve used not only in my own business, but also with my clients in their businesses as well.

The system I’ve created is called the Profitable Productivity System, and it’s filled with time tested, easy-to-implement strategies to get you back in the driver’s seat of your business!

The Profitable Productivity System

Are you ready to put the Profitable Productivity System to work for your business?


Download Now – Only $297


Why is it So Hard to Get Organized and be Productive in My Business?


I’ll bet at some point along the way you probably have tried to get organized on your own. Maybe you bought a couple of trays for your paper, hoping that would finally get your paper disarray under control. Or possibly you purchased a fancy day planner expecting that it would help you manage your dizzying array of tasks. But in the end, none of these things worked. Why?

After years of working with clients who have struggled in the past with varying levels and types of disorganization and lost productivity, I’ve seen these patterns – and common mistakes – time and time again.


The Top 3 Mistakes Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Consultants
and Service Providers Make When Trying to Get Organized


Mistake #1: Shopping = Organizing
“If I just buy the right containers, I’ll get organized.”

On your own, you may be tempted to simply “buy yourself organized” by taking trips to an organizing supply store and buying lots of organizing tools and gizmos that the salesperson might recommend. Without them really knowing your situation or seeing your space, I’ve seen many people waste a lot of money by buying organizing supplies they don’t need. They end up bringing the organizing supplies back to their home or office where the organizing “tools” simply add to the existing clutter.

Mistake #2: Taking on Too Large a Project
“I’m going to organize my home office this weekend.”

When you try to get organized on your own, it’s tempting to want to “just get it done” by trying to do a project in one fell swoop, and usually in a compressed amount of time. Just imagine – you’ve decided to organize your office in one weekend, and by halfway through Saturday, everything is a mess, you’re frustrated and tired. You don’t really feel like spending any more of your weekend on organizing your office, and so you just give up. The project is actually in a worse state than when you started, and now you are left to deal with even more disorganization than before!

Mistake #3: Working Without a Plan
“I’ll figure out how to organize my office once I get started.”

Here’s how it happens: You decide to get your office organized, so you give yourself a day or a weekend to do it. You go into your office on Saturday, and you’re not sure where to begin, so you start by going through the piles that are on your desk. After an hour or two, you start getting bored and things are looking a bit messier than before, so you decide to take a break and check your email. Before you know it, an hour goes by and your office is in worse shape than when you started. It’s lunchtime, so you go out and grab a bite to eat – you’ll work on the office when you get back. By the time you return, you decide you’d rather do something else with your weekend besides get organized, and you give up.

Sound familiar? This scenario is pretty typical when you try to get organized without a plan in place. Without a plan, how will you know how to attack the various projects in order to get from point A to point Organized?

I always thought I was organized – until I really took a look at how much money I was losing by dealing with my day to day activities the way that I did. I am also a victim of Mistake #3: Working Without a Plan. After following Joshua Zerkel’s Profitable Productivity System, I finally began to put the steps into place and made a plan to get organized. This was incredibly important since I run three businesses and my workload increases every day.

Thank you so much for your insight and easy to implement system! I highly recommend the Profitable Productivity System to anyone who is feeling overwhelmed!

Danelle Brown | Queen Bee Consulting


So How Do I NOT Make These Mistakes?


If there’s one thing I’ve learned in helping hundreds of clients, it’s that getting organized is essential to boosting your productivity and your profits. But before you can launch the organizational voyage, you have to have a systematic approach to getting organized. You can’t just go to the store and buy products and hope they will help you get organized. You can’t organize your office once and for all in one weekend. And you definitely can’t make your business more productive and more profitable without a plan for how you’re going to do it!

Instead, you need a step-by-step system to help walk you through the process of getting organized. An effective system addresses all the key areas of getting your small business to a higher level of productivity, including managing your space, paper, time, tasks and technology. An effective system also helps plan your approach each of these areas AND how to maintain your systems over time. After years of helping clients figure out how to deal with all these pieces, I’ve created the Profitable Productivity System to address each of these areas so YOU can get control of these elements too!

When I started my business, a spare bedroom was converted into a home office. However, my workspace was not conducive to productivity. I spend most of my time working from the dining room table, which meant my family no longer ate dinners at the table together. Another negative was that I had to run to the office to answer the telephone. I knew that I had to do something different if I was going to be successful as a new business owner.

After reading the first module of Josh’s Profitable Productivity System, I realized that I could potentially lose around $20,000 a year because of my chaos. That was a rude awakening! I’m not a totally disorganized person. I do like being able to find things when I need it. But, I was having a hard time getting my workspace to where I needed it to be. As I read through the modules, I began preparing my office so that I could use it in a more productive way. It wasn’t too difficult to make the necessary changes.

I put up a shelf for storage and made use of storage bins, containers and filing folders I already had. This is a work in progress and I still have some work to do, but the road to productivity has less curves now. I know that completing this organization project by following Josh’s strategies will help me be more productive and ultimately more profitable ~ which is one of the reasons I became an entrepreneur.

Margo Thomas | Marylynn Consulting Group


The Profitable Productivity System

7 Simple Steps To Efficiently Managing Your Business and Boosting Your Bottom Line


Imagine walking into a clean and uncluttered office, where everything is in its place. As you sit down at your desk, you feel totally empowered to walk down an uncluttered path to creating remarkable results for your business and for your clients. Even though you have a lot of tasks to tackle, you feel at ease because all of your tasks are managed, your papers are in their proper homes and your email is under control. You’re more productive than you ever thought possible, and running your business is easier than ever!

If this sounds good, the Profitable Productivity System is for you!

Download Now – Only $297


The 7 Elements of the Profitable Productivity System


The Profitable Productivity System was specifically designed to address the shortcomings of many other small office/home office organizing systems. In my experience, and with the systems I’ve seen clients try to implement in the past, other systems are not comprehensive, are too complicated to use and maintain, or both. Every office, no matter the size, has seven key areas that MUST be addressed in order to get organized and be productive.

The Profitable Productivity System

The seven key elements covered in the Profitable Productivity System include:
  • Planning – how to approach your organizing and productivity projects and create a plan of action to help you move forward in a systematic manner
  • Pruning & Editing – effective strategies for weeding and editing through your paper, information and belongings to make sure you’re keeping the essentials and not the clutter
  • Space – setting up your office, desk and storage areas to maximum use of space
  • Paper – comprehensive solutions for dealing with paper from the minute it comes in your door to final disposal
  • Technology – dealing with the files on your computer, managing your email and keeping your data safe
  • Time – creating productive days by managing your tasks, your to-do list and your schedule using the “123D” system
  • Maintenance – tweaking, fine tuning and keeping your systems in tip-top shape so they continue to serve you well into the future

Most organizing systems address a few of these areas, but not all, and that’s where they tend to fall short. If you’re trying to get organized, you need to address every one of these topics so you can get all the areas of your business under control!

I have always considered myself a fairly organized person, but I was plagued with the constant state of losing bills, forgetting where I filed something or not having a place to put the paper to begin with. Josh’s solutions were simple, yet effective for me—without having to spend a lot of money. Now, I happily sit at my desk, open the file drawers and can find anything at a moment’s notice. For the first time, I am not distracted by the post-it notes falling off my computer or small pieces of paper that always seem to live on my desk (or on any surface that is in my home)! The best part is the new desktop file box where all those stray papers can go until they find their final resting place. Joshua Zerkel is a master of organization, with lots of great suggestions on how to live in an organized way without going crazy.

Andrea Sanchez | Aesthetician, Total Skincare by Andrea

Download Now – Only $297


What’s Included in the Profitable Productivity System?


The Profitable Productivity System provides all the tools you need to get – and stay – organized and productive in your office. The complete system includes:

A complete set of 8 audio downloads (MP3 format) with over 3 hours of instruction covering the 7 key areas of the Profitable Productivity System A comprehensive, downloadable (PDF format) workbook with forms, exercises and space for you to create your customized Action Plan
The Profitable Productivity System Profitable Productivity System Workbook


So How Will I Benefit From Using This System?


As you work your way through the Profitable Productivity System and implement my simple strategies you will:
  • Discover how to create the optimal work environment for achieve maximum results
  • Learn easy ways to deal with paper – it’s easier than you might think
  • Find highly effective strategies for managing your calendar, to-do lists, tasks and priorities
  • Tame your technology so your tools make your work life easier

Best of all, every strategy has been time-tested with our own organizing and productivity clients, so we know the systems, tools and ideas are easy to implement – and that they work!


If you order now, you’ll also receive:


Bonus #1 A complete transcript of the audio included in the Profitable Productivity System ($47 Value)
Bonus #2 A copy of our special report “The Top 12 Mistakes to Avoid When Getting Organized”

My workspace is small and I do a variety of duties. At the end of the day, my workspace used to be a big mess. I realized I used my space and my time inefficiently and this led to losing money. I wanted to make my space conducive to maximizing my business opportunities. Joshua’s genius file system has made my office a “working paradise.” The new organizational systems he created give me more time to serve my clients. At the end of the day, I’m less tired and have more time and energy for my family!

Lucy Logvinova | Insurance Agent, Farmers Insurance


What would it be worth to you to increase your business profits by 10%, 15% or even 20%?


If all that may be standing in your way to reach this goal is being unorganized, would you pay $1,000, $500 or even $250 for the professional advice that can finally de-clutter your life and clear the path to increased revenues for your business?

What if I told you it would only cost you $297 to effectively change the way you do business—for good?

That’s right. Order the complete Profitable Productivity System now for the low cost of only $297!

Download Now – Only $297


Why Will the Profitable Productivity System Work for Me?


There are lots of different organizing and productivity strategies out there. If you’ve tried using any of them before and haven’t been able to make them work for you, you might be wondering what makes the Profitable Productivity System different.

  • It’s simple. There’s no jargon, complex workflow diagrams, if/then schemes, or other mental hoops to jump through. My philosophy is that the simpler a system is the better. Simple systems are easier to implement, use and maintain over time – and that’s why all of the strategies in the Profitable Productivity System are straightforward and as easy as possible to follow and implement.
  • It’s flexible. You can implement the entire system, or only the parts of the system you need – your choice! Parts of the system can also be modified to better suit your needs (and the modification and customization strategies are included in the program too!).
  • It’s doable. Every idea, tip and strategy is real world tested with real clients, in real businesses. So, I can say with absolute certainty that the concepts work, if you apply them and customize them to your own work style and situation. The entire program is meant to be something you can actually implement, use, and benefit from!
In short, the Profitable Productivity System is designed to be used by busy people just like you!


Joshua, I want to order a copy of your Profitable Productivity System! I’m ready to eliminate disorganization, overwhelm and lost opportunities from my business so I can be more profitable NOW!

As part of my Profitable Productivity System package, I will receive VIA INSTANT DOWNLOAD:

  • 8 audio download set with over 3 hours of instruction covering the 7 key areas of the Profitable Productivity System
  • A comprehensive downloadable workbook with forms, exercises and space for you to create your customized Action Plan
  • A complete transcript of the audio included in the Profitable Productivity System ($47 Value)
  • Instant access to the downloadable versions of the audio files and workbook ($297 Value)
  • A copy of the special report “The Top 12 Mistakes to Avoid When Getting Organized”
I’ll get all of this for just $297! Give me instant access to the system NOW!

Download Now – Only $297

Your business depends on you being organized and productive. Don’t waste any more of your valuable time staring at your piles of clutter and thinking you’ll get to it later – you can start getting organized TODAY!

Take the first right step for you and your business. Order the Profitable Productivity System now and make a positive and everlasting change.

To your success,

Joshua Zerkel, Certified Professional Organizer®
CEO & Productivity Strategist
Custom Living Solutions

P.S. Feel free to forward this to your friends and associates, just be sure to order your copy first!

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee of success. Once a product is purchased there are no refunds or returns.

General Sales Purchase Policy: As we hold a number of special offers at various times, we must adhere to our policy that products and program prices, sales, special discounts, free trials, and the like are valid only for the dates and deadlines upon which they are offered, so they are not valid on previous or future purchases. Also any promo, coupon or discount codes must be used at the time of purchase, at the checkout page in our shopping cart, and they are not valid on previous or future purchases. We don’t make exceptions to this policy as it would not be fair practice to do so. All sales are final, no returns accepted.

© 2003-2020 Custom Living Solutions. All Rights Reserved.

Statistic: NAPO, 2009 Get Organized Month Survey (of 400 Consumers Nationwide). 06/30/2009,