The Best Free Software – For Productivity, Organizing – Everything!

Computers are not useful without the right programs to do the tasks that you need to do. It used to be that the best software cost a lot of money – for instance, a standard Microsoft Office suite can cost upwards of $400. Times have definitely changed, as a tremendous amount of useful, software is available for the low, low price of FREE. What’s really surprising is how polished and professional much of this open-source software is. While I still use commercial software, I’m finding myself drawn more and more to open-source alternatives, which I now am recommending with increasing frequency to my organizing clients.

To get an idea of what’s out there, check out PC Magazine’s roundup of the best free software of 2008 online at:,2817,2260070,00.asp_

Do you have a favorite free software program that’s not in the list? Post it in the comments!

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