Tips for Choosing the Right Desk

It’s important to chose a desk that fits your needs and keeps you organized!

Different jobs require different desks; here are some things to keep in mind when shopping for a desk.

For most people, a desk is their “home base” of operations, so it’s important to choose a good one. The first thing to consider is what you will actually be doing at your desk. Analyze what you do in a day, and make sure that your desk will be able to accommodate your needs. Someone who works with a computer needs a very different type of desk than someone who works primarily with paper. Think about what you do the most, and make sure your desk can accommodate that primary task comfortably. Here are some shopping tips of what to look for in a desk:

If you work primarily with a computer

  • Built-in cable management
  • Adjustable keyboard shelf and monitor stand
  • Space to store extra computer supplies

If you work primarily with paper

  • A large flat area so you can spread out your work
  • Built-in file drawers to store frequently use documents
  • Space to store staples, pens, and other supplies

If you’re just starting out, short on space, or your budget doesn’t yet allow for a new desk, keep in mind that a workspace doesn’t necessarily have to be a traditional desk. Although a desk is ideal, I’ve seen effective workspaces made out of a variety of non-traditional areas, such as a corner nook, a countertop, and a kitchen table.

2 Responses to “Tips for Choosing the Right Desk”

  1. John Mahoney

    Thank you for talking about the importance of making sure you but a =n office desk based on how you work. It makes sense that taking the time to look into this can help you get the services you need and save money by not buying the wrong stuff. I would want to make sure I find a reputable store where I can get quality items that will last a long time ad can add style to my office.

  2. Sutton Turner

    I like how you said to get an adjustable keyboard shelf and monitor stand. I was thinking of getting new office furniture. Thanks for the tips on choosing the right office desk.

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