Easily Inventory Your Belongings at Home or at the Office
Using the right software, you can quickly and easily inventory the contents of your home or office – a critical piece of recordkeeping.
Using the right software, you can quickly and easily inventory the contents of your home or office – a critical piece of recordkeeping.
As a business owner, you’ve probably already been faced with one of the biggest challenges – staying organized and productive.
Summer… ahhh. When summertime comes, there’s a palpable change in the air – a feeling of fun, relaxation, and freedom from worry. Or at least, that’s how it can seem!
Do you have a smartphone, like an iPhone, Android, or Windows Mobile device?
Being disorganized and unproductive costs you money – but did you know that when you get organized, you may find unexpected ways to make more money?
Make processing email easier by smartening up your subject line, managing your inbox, and filtering non-urgent messages.
Using a “hot file” system, you can organize your email inbox into action-oriented subfolders that mirror your paper filing system.
Teach your children to help out, without making it a chore!
Paper takes a lot of space to store, and especially if you’re used to searching for documents on your computer, rifling through paper piles and digging into file cabinets can seem practically archaic!
Consider your time, money, and security when weighing the pros and cons.