Too Many Magazines!
Keeping up with magazine subscriptions can feel like homework, so stop them from piling up by giving them an expiration date, clipping the essential articles, or reading online.
Keeping up with magazine subscriptions can feel like homework, so stop them from piling up by giving them an expiration date, clipping the essential articles, or reading online.
We’ve got way to go to reach the paperless future shown in The Jetsons and Star Trek.
Virtually every client I have – and every person I talk to – is fed up with dealing with paper. And it’s no surprise, since, like email, we have a constant influx of it that we’re simply forced to deal with. The worst part is that even though we all have paper in our lives, we’re never really taught what to do with it or how to manage it. It’s no wonder that people are practically in tears by the time they call me asking for help.
There are some upsides and downsides to scanning paperwork and saving them onto your computer.
Papers on your desk are piled up in their own lifecycle, here’s how to understand this cycle and create a system to organize them.
Putting a rubber band around business cards you’ve collected is a start, but you’ll need to do more to build powerful relationships with the people you’ve met.
Knowing about retention guidelines can help you determine when to get rid of old tax-related documents and allow a helpful guideline in managing these files.
With shredding, you have options that can be a handy solution to figuring out what to do with documents no longer of use.
Dealing with a backlog of paperwork can seem daunting, here are 2 tips toward making this an doable task.
Creating a system to manage the paper flow will help control the pile that can quickly accumulate on your desk, learn about simple steps you can take to maintain organization.